• Online Puppy Lifeskills Course

  • Puppy training online - how can that work!  It does, and it works well.  So much more better than in a hall environment where a young vulnerable puppy has to deal with so many distractions and anxieties. It also means you can relax and take on board all the information without having to worry about what you pup is doing!

    This course guides you through puppyhood and prepares you and pup for adolescence! It is specifically tailored to you and your puppy and can take place in the comfort and safety of your home. 

    This private one to one course will consist of 5 online sessions covering all the necessary life skills that pups need to learn to help them become a bombproof confident puppy in all environments and situations as well as to help and support the new puppy families through this new journey together! 

    "But can socialisation and habituation work online?" - lots can be done to help puppies learn about life without even stepping outside your home - we can bring the environment to them!  Pups learn a lot through touch, smell and sound. Much more valuable than taking them into potentially stressful situations at a vulnerable stage in their development.  We don't need to rush these experiences, we need to help them deal with them at their own pace.  

    These courses are designed to help and guide you as the puppy guardians as sometimes it can be a daunting experience and what you learn from the sessions will enable you to help your puppy become a well rounded, confident, happy puppy and adolescent!

    It is entirely specific for each individual puppy and their family and includes back up and support in the form of various resources as well as a recording of each session so the whole family can be involved from week to week.

    It is suitable for puppies up to about 14 weeks but it is advisable to start the course a few days after picking puppy up to make sure the whole family set off on the right track from the very beginning.  It is also advisable to ensure that each session is no more than about 10 days apart as lots can happen in a young pups life in that time!


  • "Kaye’s online Puppy Lifeskills course could not have been better.

    It was far more personalised than any face to face class could ever be. Kaye sent us resources every session to work on for the following week and was always at the end of the phone or email if we had any problems or concerns between sessions. This was especially useful when struggling with teething troubles and sleepless nights.

    Kaye tailored each and every session to our individual needs and has given us the skills to continue teaching our puppy the right way. We could not have asked for a better foundation to start our lives together. Thank you Kaye!" - Z and O, Kent

  • What's included in the course:

    • Advice on how to deal with the normal puppy issues – play biting, house training, jumping up
    • How to deal with those first few days......and nights! Never letting our pups 'cry it out'
    • Enrichment to promote calm, relaxation and confidence
    • Understanding body language and it's importance throughout the pups life
    • Teaching patience, self control and how to deal with frustration!
    • Helping the pup make choices that are rewarding to them and us!
    • How to socialise and habituate your pup in the right way without flooding them with experiences
    • How to choose and introduce your pup to suitable older dogs, safely and appropriately
    • How to teach the basic life skills including recall, walking on a loose lead, safety exercises like drop and leave etc
    • How to avoid separation issues
    • How to help pup enjoy handling and grooming
    • Advice on dealing with scary noises i.e. thunder and fireworks
    • And more!

    The course will include a 45 minute initial Zoom consultation followed by 4 further online sessions lasting 30 minutes each to back up the supporting videos, exercises, worksheets and other resources. It also includes email support between sessions if needed.

  • "We were recommended by our breeder to use Kaye. We had a zoom meeting set up and it was as easy as that. Being first time owners even some of the simple things are difficult! Kaye set homework after each Zoom session and this was discussed at the next consultation.

    I’m sure without the online help we have received we would certainly not be in as good a position with Ruby as we are now and we would have had quite a stressful time in these early stages." - Rog and Bev, Dorset

  • "The online Puppy Lifeskills Course has been absolutely brilliant for us as total beginners when it comes to puppy parenting, and I only wish I’d known about the online course sooner!

    Kaye, I cannot thank you enough for sharing with us all your experience, tips and advice in such an easy to understand, kind and reassuring way and with the back up of all the excellent resources. I’ve enjoyed every minute!" - Julia and Fede, Kent

  • Advantages of the course online as opposed to face to face?

    • On a one to one private basis rather than sharing the class with 3 other puppies
    • Takes place with your pup in a relax safe home environment - much more beneficial than in a potentially new and stressful hall environment for a young vulnerable pup
    • Get started as soon as puppy comes home
    • No waiting for a course to start which can often mean missing out on guidance in those crucial first few days and weeks
    • Very specific – the sessions are tailored to each individual pup and their family
    • Pups and families can work at their own pace 
    • More relaxing – families are in their own home, they don’t have the stresses of trying to concentrate on their pup and listen to information that is imparted in a distracting class environment
    • There is no travelling involved and the pups can sleep in the background if they wish!
    • We can share and discuss progress videos, important articles, PDF information sheets and links to important websites
    • Email support is available between sessions if needed
    • We have the time to cover so much more than can be covered in a class environment